Extraordinary Member Meetings


Members of the Association are hereby invited to attend
the Extraordinary Members’ Meeting of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Meeting“), to be held on:

Day/Date Friday, November 24, 2023
Venue Sopo Del Office Tower, 37th Floor
 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III Lot 10.1-6 South Jakarta
Time 2:00 pm to finish

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Approval of the draft work program 1 January – 31 December 2024.
  2. Discussion related to the position of Management Complementary Tools to be filled by Members of the Association. 1. The interim work program prepared by the Management Board has been approved by the Members’ Meeting and is only valid until December 31, 2023. Therefore, it is necessary to ratify the work program for the period January 1 – December 31, 2024 through the Members Meeting. Considering the provisions of Article 13 and Article 15 of the Association’s Articles of Association in juncto with Article 10 of the Association’s Bylaws.
  3. To achieve the objectives of the Association, it is necessary to add to the Executive Committee which is prioritized to be filled by Members of the Association. Through the Meeting, the Board opened the position of Management Complementary Tools for the divisions: (1) Media & Publication; (2) Scientific Study; (3) Stakeholders Engagement; and (4) Commercial. Considering the provisions of Article 5 of the Association’s Articles of Association in juncto with Article 29 of the Association’s Bylaws.

Explanation of the Meeting Agenda:

Directors and Supervisory Board who are going to attend:

Supervisor Jodi Mahardi
Charmain Belladonna Troxylon Maulianda
Treasures Sri Hartati Rahayu
Secretary Rizky Muhammad Kahfie


  1. In connection with the Meeting, the Association does not send a separate invitation to the Members of the Association, so this Invitation applies as an official invitation. This invitation can also be seen on the Association’s website page (
  2. Materials relating to the Meeting are available at the office of the Association, Plaza Asia 18th Floor, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190, during business hours on each business day from the date of the invitation to the Meeting of the Company. Materials for the Meeting will also be made available at the time of the Meeting.
  3. Members of the Association who are entitled to attend or be represented at the Meeting are all Members of the Association (both Ordinary Members and Extraordinary Members) whose names are validly recorded in the Register of Members of the Association on November 16, 2023 at 16.00 WIB or their legal proxies.
  4. Members of the Association must fill out the Meeting attendance confirmation form via at the latest 2 (two) days before the Meeting is held, namely November 22, 2023.
  5. Members of the Association can be represented by their attorney using the power of attorney form available at (, provided that:
    •  The Management, Supervisory Board, and Complementary Tools of the Association can act as a proxy in the Meeting, but the votes issued are not taken into account in voting;
    • Members of the Association are not entitled to grant proxies to more than one proxy with different votes;If the power of attorney is signed outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, the power of attorney must be legalized by the local Notary Public and the official representative office of the local government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Jakarta, November 15, 2023
Association of Carbon Capture and Storage Center

Belladonna Troxylon Maulianda Chairman