Carbon Capture and Storage for Indonesia: A Campus Event ICCSC x PIS at Universitas Indonesia


On July 16, 2024, the Indonesian Carbon Capture and Storage Center (ICCSC) organized a significant event in collaboration with Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) at Universitas Indonesia. This event, titled “Campus Event ICCSC x PIS,” aimed to enhance awareness among students regarding the technical and economic dimensions of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This initiative was an integral part of the collaborative project “Sailing Towards Net Zero Emissions (NZE): Integrating CCS into PIS’ Business Model” by Pertamina International Shipping.

Objectives and Collaborative Framework

The primary objective of the event was to educate students on the pivotal role of CCS technology in mitigating climate change and reducing carbon emissions. By addressing both technical and economic aspects, the event sought to provide a comprehensive understanding of how CCS technology can be integrated into various business models, particularly within the energy and petrochemical sectors. This event also highlighted the collaborative efforts between ICCSC and PIS, emphasizing their shared commitment to advancing environmental sustainability through innovative technological solutions.

Opening Remarks

The event commenced with opening remarks from two distinguished speakers:

  • Mr. Hardika Adiyagsa, Manager of Petrochemical & New Business Commercial at PIS, underscored the strategic importance of CCS within the energy sector. He elucidated how PIS is integrating CCS into its business model to achieve sustainability goals and reduce carbon emissions. Mr. Adiyagsa emphasized the necessity for future professionals to possess a profound understanding of CCS technologies to drive sustainable practices within the industry. He further highlighted the role of PIS in pioneering a shift towards a greener future and the critical importance of industry-academia collaboration in achieving these objectives.
  • Mr. Rizky Muhammad Kahfie, General Secretary of ICCSC, stressed the vital role of educational institutions and student bodies in fostering knowledge and innovation in CCS. He articulated the collaborative efforts between ICCSC and PIS to promote environmental sustainability and the significance of engaging the younger generation in these critical discussions. Mr. Kahfie emphasized the importance of an informed and proactive younger generation in assuming the mantle of environmental stewardship.
Campus Event ICCSC x PIS Opening Remarks by Mr. Adiyagsa and Mr. Kahfie

Moderation and Session Leadership

The event was expertly moderated by Michael Gabriel Owen, former President of BEM FT UI. His leadership experience within student organizations facilitated a dynamic and engaging flow throughout the event, ensuring that discussions were both informative and interactive. Mr. Owen’s role was instrumental in ensuring smooth transitions between different segments of the event, maintaining audience engagement, and encouraging active participation from the attendees.

CCS 101 Presentation

Following the opening remarks, the session proceeded with a comprehensive presentation titled “CCS 101” by Ms. Diofanny Swandrina Putri, Head of Business Development at ICCSC. Ms. Putri’s presentation encompassed several key aspects of CCS:

  • Fundamentals of CCS: An overview of the CCS process, including the capture of CO₂ emissions at their source, transportation, and secure underground storage. Ms. Putri detailed the different stages of CCS, such as pre-combustion, post-combustion, and oxy-fuel combustion capture methods.
  • Technological Advancements: Recent innovations in CCS technology and their implications for efficiency and cost-effectiveness were discussed. Ms. Putri highlighted ongoing research and development efforts aimed at enhancing capture rates and reducing operational costs.
  • Economic Analysis: An examination of the economic benefits associated with CCS adoption, including job creation, potential revenue streams from CO₂ utilization, and long-term cost savings from reduced carbon taxes and penalties. She provided an in-depth analysis of the economic feasibility of CCS projects and the potential for scaling these technologies.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples of successful CCS projects globally, demonstrating the practical applications and benefits of the technology. Ms. Putri presented case studies from countries such as Norway, Canada, and the United States, emphasizing the lessons learned and best practices from these projects.

Interactive Talk Show

The event culminated in an interactive talk show featuring Mr. Muhammad Kahfie and Ms. Diofanny Swandrina Putri, moderated by Mr. Owen. This session allowed for an in-depth exploration of the topics discussed in the presentations, focusing on:

  • Practical Applications: Current implementations of CCS across various industries and potential future applications were discussed. The conversation covered specific sectors such as power generation, cement production, and steel manufacturing.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Technological, regulatory, and financial challenges associated with CCS were examined, along with opportunities for innovation and growth in the field. The speakers provided insights into the regulatory landscape, funding mechanisms, and public acceptance issues.
  • Student Engagement: The importance of student involvement in CCS research and advocacy was highlighted. The discussion encouraged students to engage in CCS-related research projects, internships, and advocacy efforts, emphasizing the significance of their contributions to advancing the technology and promoting sustainability.
Interactive Talkshow Session Moderated by Mr. Owen

Audience Engagement

A Q&A session followed, providing students with the opportunity to ask questions and engage directly with the speakers. This interactive segment clarified various aspects of CCS, addressed student concerns, and stimulated lively discussions among participants. The speakers encouraged students to stay informed, pursue further educational opportunities, and consider careers in the CCS field.

Conclusion and Impact

The Campus Event ICCSC x PIS at Universitas Indonesia was a significant milestone in raising awareness and understanding of CCS among students. By bringing together industry experts, academic leaders, and students, the event fostered a collaborative environment conducive to learning and innovation. The detailed discussions and presentations offered attendees valuable insights into the critical role of CCS in achieving a sustainable future and the importance of integrating such technologies into business models.

This event not only educated but also inspired students to actively participate in promoting and implementing sustainable practices in their future careers. The collaboration between ICCSC and PIS exemplifies the potential of partnerships in driving forward environmental sustainability initiatives and preparing the next generation of leaders to tackle the challenges of climate change.

Future Prospects

The success of this event has laid the groundwork for future collaborations between educational institutions and industry stakeholders. Both ICCSC and PIS have expressed their commitment to continuing their partnership and organizing similar events in the future. These efforts aim to maintain momentum in educating and empowering students, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to a sustainable and low-carbon future.

In conclusion, the Campus Event ICCSC x PIS at Universitas Indonesia was an exemplary initiative that highlighted the importance of CCS technology and its economic implications. It successfully engaged students, providing them with the knowledge and inspiration needed to drive sustainable practices in their future careers. The event demonstrated the power of collaboration between academia and industry in addressing global environmental challenges and fostering innovation for a sustainable future.

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